A chemical usually sold in tiny amounts on blotter paper, as a liquid, or a pellet/micro-dot.
Also called:
- Acid
- Blotter
- Dots
- Drop
- Liquid Acid
- Lucy
- Micro Dot
- Tab
- Tripper
- Trips
- Window
Quick info
How the drug works varies from person to person
How you might feel
Energised, excited, giggly and/or confused, anxious, overwhelmed.
Effects on your body
Colours, sounds, objects and even time can all seem very strange and disturbing.
Common risks
Avoid taking if depressed or in a bad mood. People have been known to harm themselves during a bad trip so don’t use if you’re not in a safe place or with people you trust. It’s easy to take too much so start small, if at all.
Mixing drugs
Mixing drugs is always risky but some mixtures are more dangerous than others.
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